It's a hassle-free and friendly partnership
program initiated by the Department of Education through D.O. 33 series of 2018
on the Joint Delivery Voucher Program (JDVP). This will provide a lot of
assistance to our national high school students specifically the senior high school
who would like to experience the actual laboratory equipment and world-class facilities
by using the state-of the-art technology at the Technical Vocational Institutions
(TVI) like SKILLS, Inc.
Senior high school students
will be taught holistically that includes technical knowledge, sufficient
skills and well-rounded attitude as they prepare themselves for the real world
of work in the industry. SKILLS, Inc. will help hone their skills to obtain the
TESDA National Certificate level II for their lifelong preparedness.
SKILLS Academic Director
Eunice B. Raz, attended a series of meetings and consultative conferences with stakeholders
from Regions 6, 7 and 8. The conference at Crown Regency Hotel was
well-represented by the DepED National Officials, Director Samuel R. Soliven
and Director Joyce Anadaya, DepED Cebu City Division Directors/Officers, TVL
coordinators and TVI administrators. To kick off its implementation process,
SKILLS, Inc. and national high school partners conducted the JDVP
Parents-Students Orientation last September 24, 2018 at the SKILLS
multi-purpose hall. Ms. Paulette D. Liu the president of SKILLS, Inc. delivered
her welcome address and brief background of the school as the foundation
institution of Primary Group of Builders. Dr. Rosemarie Novabos, Principal of Mabolo
National High School gave the JDVP rationale followed by Dr. Marlene Padigos of
DepEd Cebu City Division for the general orientation and overview of the
program. Dr. Eunice B. Raz shared the in-house rules to uphold the policies of
the school.

Congratulations to SKILLS,
Inc. and the national high schools of Mabolo, Zapatera, Tisa, Ramon Duterte,
and Talamban for being part of this First DepED JDVP program in the country!
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