Dr. Maritess H. Requina (2nd row, 2nd from left) at the ZEP2030 consultation in Iloilo City. Gov. Arthu Defensor, Sr. (middle) led the said activity attended by representatives from CSOs, government and private companies. Dr. Maritess H. Requina, PSEFI-SKILLS Executive Director, represented the foundation last November 22, 2016, Tuesday, in Iloilo City to actively collaborate under the Education Cluster of the Zero Extreme Poverty by the Year 2030 (ZEP2030) movement. This was the Visayas leg of the said association wherein consultations were done with representatives of the different Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), private sector and the government in order to develop the education action plan that will be implemented to achieve ZEP2030. Iloilo Governor, Hon. Arthur Defensor, Sr., led this activity. ZEP2030 is set to conduct a workshop this December 2, Friday, in Manila to consolidate the imputs from the series of consultations that have been conducted so far, and eventuall...
The School of Knowledge for Industrial Labor, Leadership and Service (SKILLS)