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PGB Palaro 2016: Sportsfest Closing Ceremonies

PGB Palaro 2016 Closing Ceremonies
We all had an enjoyable afternoon last October 8, 2016, Saturday, when the Primary Group of Builders' (PGB) Sportsfest a.k.a. Palaro 2016 ended with an exciting competition on the dance floor via DanceSports! The event was held at the Old Sacred Heart School Gym, with Ma'am Paulette D. Liu, COO, gracing the opening program. The highlight of the afternoon was the dance performance of our DanceSports judges who wowed everyone with their equally unique and excellent execution of their respective dance routines!

All of us here at PSEFI-SKILLS attended the event and cheered for our DanceSports team, Primary Structures Corporation (PSC)! They competed with Primary Properties Corporation (PPC), Concrete Solutions, Inc. (CSI) and Primary Homes, Inc. (PHI). PSC placed 2nd while PPC got the plum award for the DanceSports Competition.

At the bleachers before the DanceSports event
All PGB employees who came were seen either wearing their PGB Home Run 2016 singlet or their team shirt for this year's PGB Sportsfest, representing the different projects of the Primary Group: Maroong Bahi Formworks, Maayo Emerald Warriors, Kus-gang Asul Eagle's Nest, Acaciang Kiatang Kahil, Silver Sidlak Brookridge, Taheiyo Yellow Igmatz, Colorado Dos Blood Red Mangtas, Hugyawng Bulawang Shalamar, Pink Solare Bidli, Wayuk Green Porter, Bantogan Black Brentwood, Bangiitang Lunhaw ng Woodcrest, Kilas Royal Palms Navy, Poseidon Aqua Chaka, Dag-Itom TeamBangan Northyard, Halangdong Royal Purple 2Quad, Sparkling Ice White Igat, Richwood's Camo Berdugos, Kombate Astele Puti, and Gamhanan Royal Blue Eagles.

At the middle of the gym with the PGB tarp

There were various fun games around the gym and some food stalls were also put up, courtesy of our Human Resources Department who did a great job organizing the closing ceremonies! At the registration area, we were all given food chits that served as our payment for buying snacks the whole afternoon. At the middle of the gym, winning photos of the PGB Palaro Photo Contest were mounted. It was a showcase of the photography prowess of some of PGB's photo enthusiasts. This photo exhibit became a photo booth with many of us posing beside the beautiful action shots, memories of the different sports events of PGB Palaro 2016.

The PSC DanceSports Team
Danielle and Jackie (standing) with
Denesse (seated) after the awarding of
winners for the Women's Volleyball event
PSEFI-SKILLS was duly represented in the DanceSports group, with two of our staff, Javic Cabalda, Senior High School trainer, and Merry Grace Villegas, Assessment Staff, joining the PSC team. During the awarding ceremonies, we were also glad to have two of our Accounting Staff in the winning team of PGB's Women's Volleyball Competition. Congratulations to Danielle Fernando and Jackie Vernaiz for a job well done!

PSEFI-SKILLS staff doing a groupie!
With Ma'am Tess (middle), Executive Director
All the employees of PGB competed in the following events for a period of five (5) months: basketball, badminton, table tennis, volleyball, board games, to name a few.

The PGB Palaro 2016 is really a fantastic way to feel that we are part of one big family! We all got to meet again those we coordinate with from the other PGB affiliates, seeing them in a more relaxed setting, far from our usual work atmosphere. Plus, we made new friends and got acquainted with the newbies of the PGB family!

We all look forward to another year of fun and friendship. Till next year's PGB Sportsfest!
