Community Clean-Up Drive at Minglanilla and Naga City, Cebu: A PSEFI Partnership With PSC's Manufacturing Department
PSEFI-SKILLS' staff had an enriching morning two Saturdays ago, May 7, 2016, along with the members of Primary Structures Corporation's (PSC) Manufacturing Department (MD) who organized this community clean-up drive, the second corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative for this year. The destination for this CSR was the riverside of Guindaruhan, Minglanilla, Cebu and Cantao-an, Naga City, Cebu.
PSC's MD was led by Mr. Rene Verano, Jerry Años and Myrna Pitaluna. PSEFI was led by Dr. Maritess H. Requina, Executive Director, and Engr. Steve Y. Banzon, Technical Training Director, together with 13 volunteers from PSEFI-SKILLS: Sir Bobby Cabangon (Academics), Sir Rene Arcenas and Sir Marben Manabat (Technical Trainers), Rhea (Registrar), Mayline (Documentation-Cooperative-in-Charge), Jackie, Danielle and Denesse (Accounting Staff), Grace (Support Staff) June (Librarian), Annaliza, Marison, Angeila (Senior HS Staff).
Before heading to the riverside for the clean-up, all the volunteers had a brief orientation given by Sir Rene Verano and Sir Jerry Años. This was followed by the Zumba Community Dance as a form of warm-up exercise for all the volunteers. Afterwards, everyone trooped to the river and had fun tidying up the whole riverside, removing all the plastics they found in and around the bushes and rows of trees. The volunteers also took in the beauty of the place, which they left more beautiful as trash was banished from the site!
This CSR initiative was well-attended as it was participated in by close to fifty (50) persons from both the MD and PSEFI! The Manufacturing Department equipped the clean-up volunteers with enough garbage bags and metal trash pickers. Everyone was encouraged to wear long sleeves, caps, and rubber boots anticipating work that will be done under the heat of the summer sun.
Congratulations to the Manufacturing Department for a successful community clean-up drive! We hope there will be more CSR projects lined up for the year!
Congratulations to the Manufacturing Department for a successful community clean-up drive! We hope there will be more CSR projects lined up for the year!
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